New appointments to the Board of Directors of Ekopak NV
At the next Shareholders’ Meeting, Ms. Valerie Dejaeghere will be proposed as an additional new independent director.
Furthermore, based on the advice of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee of Ekopak NV, Kurt Trenson* was appointed as a non-executive director as of December 22, 2022. He replaces Ben Jansen**, who is voluntarily stepping down as a non-executive director (in view of other appointments within the Alychlo portfolio companies).
Diverse and balanced composition
Upon approval of the appointments by the General Meeting, as of May 9, 2023, the Board of Directors will consist of eight members, including three independent directors. The Board of Directors will thus continue to meet the specific requirements on gender diversity as stipulated in Article 7:86 of the Companies and Associations Code. Thereby, the proposed changes will continue to contribute to a diversified and balanced composition with experienced industry leaders and domain experts within the Board of Directors of Ekopak NV; which meets the diversity requirements based on professional experience, knowledge and expertise.
More about the new members
Ms. Valerie Dejaeghere holds a master’s degree in Applied Economics Sciences from KU Leuven and completed executive programs in Strategic Excellence and Sustainability Management from Columbia Business School and Vlerick Business School. She has years of experience at ExxonMobil in various national and international management positions in Europe and USA. In 2022, she joined Qpinch where she became CEO in January 2023.
* Mr. Kurt Trenson as permanent representative of TREFI BV
** Mr. Ben Jansen as permanent representative of BVJS BV.