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Investor relations

Before you invest in Ekopak Sustainable Water you will want to get to know us better. What do we do, what is our motivation, how are our management and board is composed? What is our financial situation and what possibilities are there to acquire shares? What does the annual report say and what are the most important dates in our financial calendar? You will find all that information in this section of our website.

Sustainable Water, a driving force behind a circular economy

We have a great responsibility to our employees, our society and our planet. Of this Ekopak Sustainable Water is firmly convinced. Water –– and especially its recycling and revaluation –– drives the circular economy of the future.

Why Ekopak

Corporate Governance

Meet the team

Annual Shareholder Meeting

Annual Report

Press & News

Companies of Ekopak Sustainable water

Latest News



Ekopak News Splash – September



Ekopak strengthens growth path and starts next step in unique ‘Waterkracht’ project

Contact us Looking for information?

Would you like to ask us any question about our activities? Do you need to gather some solution or product-related information or you would like to get in touch with one of our teams?
