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How we
create value

Value creation model 2023 in numbers

At the core of an integrated report is the value creation model, which serves as the backbone for this document and determines its structure. The infographic below of the value creation model helps readers keep an overview and navigate through our Integrated report.

The infographic should be read from left to right. On the left are the six capitals – the resources – that Ekopak

deploys to achieve its goal (‘Our purpose’): achieving 100% water circularity within the industry and ensuring continuity in available drinking water worldwide.

Those capitals are deployed in Ekopak’s business process, both in its WaaS and non-Waas operations (in the centre of the infographic). The strategy is focused on growth, which Ekopak aims to achieve by providing decentralised water production units and wastewater treatment plants. This growth strategy rests on three pillars (listed at the bottom of the graphic): collaboration, innovation and awareness. One pillar reinforces the other. Awareness creates greater demand. Through continuous efforts at strategic and operational levels, Ekopak aims to create added value for each of the six capitals deployed in the short and long term. This is shown in the right-hand side of the infographic.

For more information with regards to how we create value we refer to the integrated report chapter 3 Our business model